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Hypnobirthing Courses in Hawkinge

Pregnant and living in Hawkinge?


Well you have come to the right place! Over the last few years I have supported many couples with their antenatal education, both privately in their own homes and through my group courses less than 10 minutes away from Hawkinge in my home Coastal Studio in Hythe and at Grace Hill Studios in Folkestone. Hawkinge has a special place in my heart having grown up in nearby Densole - although Hawkinge is almost unrecognisable from my school days! 


Hawkinge is a  fantastic place it is to live when you are starting or expanding your family - so why not focus your antenatal education locally with one of my private or group courses?

Why Birth Positively?

I qualified as a hypnobirthing teacher in 2017 after using the approach for my own births. I went from feeling terrified about giving birth, to excited about everything that was to come. It felt selfish to keep the notion that labour can be an incredible experience to myself, so I now aim to spread the word as much as possible! 


You will find my courses logical, practical, honest and evidence- based. I believe that everyone is able to have a positive birth experience, and this is less to do with how your baby is born, and more to do with how you feel during the event. That is why my courses cover everything from home births to inductions and caesareans to water births. If you are prepared mentally, physically and emotionally for what is to come, you will feel safe and in control through the unpredictable nature of birthing your baby. 


More recently I have started offering antenatal breastfeeding workshops in my Coastal Studio in Hythe. You can find out what to expect when breastfeeding and what is normal, before your baby arrives, giving you the advantage from day one.


Everyone who signs up to a course with me is invited to my Bump and Baby Social Events which take place each month at a Folkestone coffee shop. This is a chance to meet other local parents and share the highs and lows of parenting over a strong coffee and decent slice of cake! It really does take a village to raise a child, so start building yours today...



— Name, Title


— Name, Title

"Kelly is wonderful. We were lucky enough to have 1:1 sessions with Kelly in the comfort of our home! Kelly provided informative guidance and support. We went into labour feeling confident and much more informed about our choices, we were able to apply the various techniques throughout, it made the experience much more bearable. Thank you Kelly!"

    DISCLAIMER: Please note that all information on this website, and provided by Birth Positively is classed as signposting. We are not medical professionals and any medical advice should be sought after from your GP and other medical professionals. At no point will Birth Positively give advice, we aim to provide you with the knowledge to make your own informed decisions. 

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