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Frequently Asked Questions

When is best to start a hypnobirthing course?


It is never too early or late to start a Birth Positively course!


However, I would recommended you start between 20 and 32 weeks to give yourselves enough time to practise all the wonderful techniques you will learn during the course.


If you have found hypnobirthing a little bit later than this, I also offer a Hypnobirthing Essentials Workshop. It is only 3 hours, leaving you plenty of time to fit as much practise as possible. 



Is Hypnobirthing just for first time parents?


Hypnobirthing is for anyone! Regardless of whether this is your first, third or tenth baby, hypnobirthing can help you achieve a positive birth. Please email me, if you would like to discuss which course may be best for you. 



Can my birth partner attend the hypnobirthing sessions with me?



In fact it is essential your birth partner attends and learns alongside you. A Birth Positively course will provide your partner will loads of information so they can support you through your pregnancy and labour, and feel a valued member of your birth team.


If your birth partner is sitting on the fence about signing up for a course (or a complete sceptic!) why don't you both come along to my free Introduction to Hypnobirthing Workshop, where your birth partner can learn all about the amazing ways hypnobirthing can work for you both.



Can I use hypnobirthing if I am planning a Caesarean Birth?


There are many misconceptions surrounding hypnobirthing. One of the most common is that hypnobirthing is only for people who want a pain free, drug free, water birth surrounded by dolphins (OK, I might have added the dolphins for affect but you get the idea!).


However, hypnobirthing is suitable for all types of birth. On a Complete Hypnobirthing Course, we will look at all aspects of birth and help you to plan and prepare for all eventualities, including Caesarean Births.


If you have elected a Caesarean Birth, either through personal or medical reasons, then I also offer a Positive Caesarean Workshop . There are still so many things to consider if this is the route you have chosen, and lots of ways in which you can prepare for a Caesarean Birth. 



Can't I just read all about hypnobirthing in a book?


The option of reading about hypnobirthing is a book is certainly there. Similarly there are e- courses you can complete which are usually cheaper than a course with a teacher.  But to be honest, there is a reason why a book or e-course is usually cheaper.


With a Birth Positively course, you will have your very own birth!  I am fully committed to supporting the couples I work with, to help them achieve a positive birth experience.

Throughout the course I will be able to answer any questions you may have so you fully understand all the course material.

Together we will be able to practice the breathing and relaxation techniques so that you don't have to wait until the big day to see if you know what you are doing!

As well as the 8 hour teaching time, I will also be available via email or phone up until your baby is born. (Plus it's lovely to catch up with you and your new bundle of joy once they have arrived and you have settled into the swing of things!)



I had a difficult previous birth.

Will hypnobirthing be able to help me overcome my fear and anxiety?


Unfortunately, I have met many couples who have had a difficult or even traumatic birth prior to finding hypnobirthing.


Did parts of your birth feel out of your control? Did your birth not go the way you had planned and did you feel decisions were made on your behalf? Did you feel scared or worried about what was happening to you? Would you like to look forward to your birth, rather than feel fearful or worrying about what could go wrong this time?


At Birth Positively courses, we will look at all of your options so you always feel fully informed, no matter what path your birth takes. You and your partner will learn relaxation techniques and be equipped with tools to help you remain calm and in control throughout. 


I have worked with couples who have found hypnobirthing after a difficult first or even second time birth and they have all said how they wished they had found hypnobirthing sooner as they had such a different experience this time round. 


If you have had a traumatic birth, then hypnobirthing may not be enough and I would seriously suggest looking at to find someone near you who may be able to help. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss this further. 



Why do I need to prepare for birth?


I often hear couples dismissing the idea of preparing for birth or writing a birth plan because they see birth as something that just happens and there is very little you can do to control the process. I understand where they are coming from - I was one of those people until I discovered hypnobirthing. 


Going with the flow can be great for lots of occasions. But just as a marathon runner trains for a marathon physically and mentally, a woman and her birth partner can prepare physically and mentally during pregnancy. 


By writing a birth plan, you are giving yourself the best chance of getting the birth you want. You will be equipping yourself with knowledge about how your body is designed to give birth, and how you can work with it to reduce fear and pain. Your birth partner will have a range of tools and techniques ready to support you and be fully involved in your baby's arrival into the world.  


So really the question should be: Why wouldn't you prepare for birth?



Do you teach hypnobirthing courses online?


During the pandemic all my courses were taught online and I actually really enjoyed it. Zoom allowed me to teach people further afield than Folkestone!  I mainly teach in person now but am always to teach on zoom if you prefer. 





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    DISCLAIMER: Please note that all information on this website, and provided by Birth Positively is classed as signposting. We are not medical professionals and any medical advice should be sought after from your GP and other medical professionals. At no point will Birth Positively give advice, we aim to provide you with the knowledge to make your own informed decisions. 

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